会社案内 Company

デフレの時代には殆どと言っていいほどなかった、ものづくりの「嬉しさと喜び」を、いまだから、オガワ機工の社内外のメンバーと共有していきたいという思いから、以前から掲げてきた『Team OGAWAの精神』を2ndとし、次のように進化させます。
- 『Team OGAWAの精神』2nd
- 1)Team OGAWAとは、ものづくりの「嬉しさと喜び」を分かち合うTeamである。
- 2)Team OGAWAとは、お互いの違いを理解して協働するTeamである。
- 3)Team OGAWAとは、一人ひとりがTeam OGAWAそのもののTeamである。
- 4)Team OGAWAとは、生成発展していくTeamである。
- 5)Team OGAWAとは、子供たちに夢を与えるTeamである
代表取締役社長 伊藤 秀典
OGAWA MATERIALS HANDLING CO.,LTD. started its 50th fiscal year on March 1. And in May of the next month, we will celebrate the 49th anniversary since the company’s establishment in May 1976. Since our founding, we have consistently considered with our customers what machines can do based on “transportation” and have produced custom-made material handling equipment (=MHE) such as conveyors and various automatic labor-saving devices for production facilities in various industries, but for about three years after the Corona disaster from the beginning of 2020
However, during the three years following the Corona disaster from the beginning of 2020, the company faced an extremely difficult business environment. We had been facing a sudden decline in orders from our customers, on whom we had relied heavily before the Corona disaster, and our business results were falling sharply. However, we were able to achieve a V-shaped recovery in FY2023, thanks to the development of MHE with a client who found us on the Internet, as well as an order for a large-scale MHE project for the food industry through a relationship in the space business.
As mentioned above, the process of change over the past three years has been challenging for some projects, but there have also been repeat orders and requests for further development. We now view the Corona disaster positively. I would like to express my gratitude again to our business partners for their warm support throughout the process, and above all, I am proud that our members worked diligently to design and manufacture the MHEs and satellites that our customers wanted.
Now, let me change the subject and describe what the origin of monozukuri is for me. When I was a child, my grandfather bought me a plastic model of the Zero fighter plane, and after assembling the model by matching the parts one by one while reading the instruction manual, I took the Zero fighter plane and ran around my room with pride and joy. I think that is why I have been consistently involved in this industry since I graduated from university.
I would like to share the “joy and pleasure” of manufacturing, which was almost nonexistent during the deflationary era, with the members of OGAWA KIKO, both inside and outside the company.
- The “Spirit of Team OGAWA” 2nd
- (1) Team OGAWA is a team that shares the “joy and pleasure” of manufacturing.
- (2) Team OGAWA is a team that understands each other’s differences and works together.
- (3) Team OGAWA is a team where each and every one of us is Team OGAWA itself.
- (4) Team OGAWA is a team that generates and develops.
- (5) Team OGAWA is a team that gives dreams to children.
I would like to make my opening remarks for the new year with the hope that we will work together with our customers and share the “joy and pleasure” of manufacturing with all the members involved in this new year.
March 1, 2025
President and Representative Director
Hidenori Ito

- 赤:扱いやすく、力強く、そして美しい機械 ← OGAWAアイデンティティ
- 黄:ものづくりを通して ← 中心に据える支柱
- 青:便利をつくる。 ← 世界の人々の幸せの為に

会社名 | オガワ機工株式会社 |
役員 | 代表取締役社長 伊藤秀典 取締役副社長 伊藤慎二 |
所在地 | 〒839-0804 福岡県久留米市宮ノ陣町若松1-20 |
創業 | 昭和51年5月 |
資本金 | 20,010,000円 |
従業員数 | 30名 |
取引銀行 | 福岡銀行 善導寺支店 西日本シティ銀行 久留米営業部 |
昭和41(1966)年5月 | 現会長・伊藤博介が、株式会社小川製作所東京営業所より九州地区市場開拓の社命により着任 |
昭和44(1969)年6月 | 福岡県久留米市善導寺町に株式会社小川製作所九州出張所を開設 伊藤博介、所長就任 |
昭和51(1976)年5月 | 株式会社小川製作所より九州出張所の資産及び市場(九州・山口地区)を買い取り、同所にオガワ機工株式会社設立 伊藤博介、代表取締役に就任 |
昭和61(1986)年5月 | 同所に工場及び事務所新築 |
平成9(1997)年5月 | 久留米開発公社造成の宮ノ陣新産業団地(現住所)へ新築移転 |
平成10(1998)年5月 | 同所に製缶工場増築 |
平成18(2006)年4月 | 「30周年を家族とともに祝う会」を開催 新社是を発表 |
平成20(2008)年11月 | 同所に第2・3工場増築 |
平成27(2015)年5月 | 会長・社長就任披露式を開催 伊藤博介、代表取締役会長就任 伊藤秀典、代表取締役社長就任 |
平成28(2016)年9月 | 創立40周年記念旅行を開催 |
令和元(2019)年5月 | 伊藤秀典、代表取締役社長 伊藤慎二、取締役副社長 |
令和7(2025)年1月 | 八女郡広川町吉常に広川ファクトリーを竣工 |

〒839-0804 福岡県久留米市宮ノ陣町若松1-20